Pictures of the day 12.5.09

Pictures of the day 12.5.09

Local time: All day Hon0lua Bay war am PUMPEN ohne Sondergleichen. There were some sick barrels comming through. Solide 6-8feet and some elite surfers were showing how it is done, plus all the Pro-Surfergirls were out there too, the Billabong Pro [...]

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El Nino Sale

Heute gibts tiefe Preise ohne Ende bei uns. Euren Weihnachtseinkauf beginnt bei uns Haut rein. Lasst es Euch schmecken. [...]

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Picture of the day 12.4.09

Picture of the day 12.4.09

Local time 8.35HST After the big swell from yesteday, there were still some sets around, even the smaller spots received some good sets here and ther. The contidions were superb with almost now winds in the morning, but then in the [...]

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Black Friday wird zu „El Nino Sale“

Black Friday wird zu „El Nino Sale“

Kennt Ihr Black Friday? In den USA werden nach dem Erntedankfest (Thankgiving) die Preise in den Läden regelrecht zerhackt. Alle grossen Ladenketten machen am Tag nach Thanksgiving um 4 Uhr früh auf für die Kunden. Leute stehen um 3 Uhr [...]

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Picture of the day 12.01.09 – Sunset

Picture of the day 12.01.09 – Sunset

Local time 17.45hours HST Not much excitement today. The swell has pretty much died out, just a few 1 footers at the bay maybe. Everybody is anticipating a series of large swells heading towards the state. Accoring to the models and [...]

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